Säkerhet 2022.06.22

Authenticate to Cisco Meraki using Okta

Okta enables organisations to use Okta for managing authorization and access to on-premises applications and resources using the RADIUS protocol (a networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) management for users who connect and use a network service ).

Okta provides a RADIUS Server Agent which organisations can deploy to delegate authentication to Okta. This is especially useful when organisations are looking to establish seamless single account authentication within the company VPNs. Admins can configure sign-on policies to RADIUS-protected applications just as they would any other application in the Okta Integration Network (OIN). Okta has created guides and OIN apps for several commonly used RADIUS integrations.

Why use Okta?

  • Cisco Meraki currently supports Active Directory (AD) and RADIUS as the two options to authenticate into their VPN solution. Even if your organisation currently uses AD to authenticate users into the VPN, most organisations are now looking to move away from on-premises Active Directory installations and reduce dependency on AD for more and more utilities.
  • Customers are now starting to realise the power of Okta's RADIUS Integrations specifically in the case of systems like Cisco Meraki. Okta is one of the only leading Identity solutions on the market that already have an easily configurable Cisco Meraki Wireless LAN (RADIUS) application available in their catalogue.
  • Implementing a RADIUS puts your organisation on the right path to enable Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) initiatives by controlling who has access to which resources.

If you are interested in learning more on what you can do with Okta when it comes to Cisco Meraki, don't hesitate to reach out for an introduction meeting!

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